Author: admin
Your Rainbow Profile Picture
The recent Supreme Court decision on gay marriage has brought about a lot of conversations in social media, such as Facebook. One of the most popular things to do is to merge your photo with a rainbow photo to show your …
Islam’s View of Jesus
Ask any Muslim about Jesus, and not only will they acknowledge the existence of Jesus, they will let you know how much they love Jesus. This is very confusing to most Christians when hearing this, but a Muslim is supposed …
New Time, New Location, New Series!
I am looking forward starting our new series called “The Next Christians” tonight at our house at 6:00. This series is about your generation and how there needs to be changes in how we approach people with the …
When Life Is Unfair
If you are persecuted for Christ’s sake, not only do you build treasures in heaven, you set yourself up for God to protect His reputation. Don’t worry about the outcomes! Remain faithful to your Foundational Core Values and let God …
An Encouraging Word
1 Timothy 6:17-19 17 Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with …
Don’t Judge Me!
I have a few questions for you: 1. Do you think it is ok to judge people? Why or why not? (answer this question out loud to yourself so you can hear your argument 2. What message do you hear …
Gaining True Wealth
The world defines wealth by the amount of toys you have and the level of happiness you feel. These are temporary fixes, and will work for a short period of time. However, because they are always contingent on outside sources …
Tithing vs Giving
Last week we began a discussion on the concept of tithing. We started by asking the discussion groups to tell us their definition of what a tithe is, how it makes them feel and to discuss what they think/feel when …