God Wants A Relationship, Not Religion
Sunday School times have changed! Through the month of August we will be meeting at 10:15 in room 103.
Today we began our discussion on “How To Study God’s Word.” You guys chose the topic, so that is where we are starting.
If you missed today, here is an overview of our discussion: Through our discussion we uncovered the largest challenges seem to be understanding and applying God’s word to our lives with measuring up typically being the focus of why we are studying God’s word. We seemed to have come through our church experience with the belief that to be a “good Christian” we have to read the Bible on a regular basis. Although that is true, it is also incomplete as it sets up that performance or “measuring up” type of relationship.
We discussed how God created us from the very beginning because he wanted a relationship with us. The Bible often describes that relationship like a parent/child relationship. I gave the example of how when my children were born I didn’t expect them to immediately know everything. I knew that it would take time, I knew that they would make mistakes, and even though there were times I had to discipline them- I always loved them, no matter what. If I (as sinful as I am) can do that for my children, how much more will God do that for us? It was never about religion; it’s always been about relationship.
Just because mankind keeps turning it into a religion about God, doesn’t mean that is what God wants. God wants you to know Him, and for you to be close to each other. He wants you to have a more abundant life. Fun (without emotional and physical damage) and fulfillment (without co-dependence on others). That is why we read the Bible, and it needs to be in the forefront of our minds as we read it.
Our Challenge This Week: Read your Bible through the eyes of a relationship, not through the eyes of condemnation and measuring up. Look at how scripture helps us develop a better relationship with God. As you discover them, write down those tips, or ways to develop a closer relationship with God.